MTN Bundle4U is a bundle offer that gives you airtime for national calls, international calls to some selected countries, national SMS and volume of data for browsing.
It is divided into two Xtravoice and Xtradata. XtraVoice is the Bundle4U that gives you more airtime than data, while XtraData is a Bundle4U that gives you more data than airtime.
See Image of a Subscription with N2000.

SMS V2000 to 131.
See the XtraVoice bundle packages below
With 300, you get N975 + 50MB (7 days validity)
500, you get N1,950 + 100MB (7 days validity)
1000, you get N3,875 + N312.50MB (14 days)
2000, you get N9,750 + 625MB (30 days)
5000, you get N24,500 + 1666.67MB (30 days)

How Can I Subscribe?
Send the appropriate keyword to 131 e.g V2000 to 131
This package will be suitable for those who want to make long hours of calls to any network or with their love ones. But not for Beta Talk subscribers.
It is divided into two Xtravoice and Xtradata. XtraVoice is the Bundle4U that gives you more airtime than data, while XtraData is a Bundle4U that gives you more data than airtime.
See Image of a Subscription with N2000.

SMS V2000 to 131.
See the XtraVoice bundle packages below
With 300, you get N975 + 50MB (7 days validity)
500, you get N1,950 + 100MB (7 days validity)
1000, you get N3,875 + N312.50MB (14 days)
2000, you get N9,750 + 625MB (30 days)
5000, you get N24,500 + 1666.67MB (30 days)

How Can I Subscribe?
Send the appropriate keyword to 131 e.g V2000 to 131
This package will be suitable for those who want to make long hours of calls to any network or with their love ones. But not for Beta Talk subscribers.
Pls I wana download some movies.... I need ur advice on d best plan to use. Is mtn bus unlimited still working?
ReplyDeleteBoss.I need a cheat to download heavy files even if it's for a day m owk. Mtn cancels the night plan bis stopped working since. .
ReplyDeleteBoss.I need a cheat to download heavy files even if it's for a day m owk. Mtn cancels the night plan bis stopped working since. .